Mini Golf & Putt Putt Obstacle Rentals

The Authentic Mini Golf & Putt Putt Rental Experience

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Wooden Bridge Mini Golf Obstacle

The genesis of the Wooden Bridge came from our mini golf course designers wanting to create a hole with an up & down terrain for our traditional mini golf rentals. Two ramps were manufactured with one ramp going up and the other ramp going down. The ramps had a gap between them and thus the Wooden Bridge was born. The original golf hole the putt went up the ramp, over the bridge and down the next ramp on the way to the cup. This hole measured from tee to cup 30 feet in length. When a putt fell off the bridge it would fall onto the surface below which the designers filled with either water for outdoor events or rocks and sand for indoor events. A putt that fell off the bridge and into these traps would receive a 1 shot penalty stroke. From this original hole came a entirely new hole to further replicate our mission to creating an authentic mini golf experience with portable mini golf.

The Wooden Bridge Up & Under Hole

Our designers began work on creating a different hole where the putt would go on the bridge and then also pass under it on the way to the cup. This hole integrated either two dog leg lefts or two dog leg rights once the putt passed over the bridge. The total length of this hole with the dog legs measured from tee to cup is 53 feet and is an entertaining and challenging Par 5. A truly uniquely designed custom mini golf hole rental!

Branding The Wooden Bridge Mini Golf Obstacle

For those mini golf rentals that want to use The Wooden Bridge on their events, there are options available to provide branding. A double sided individual flag post can be placed on either side. These flag posts can be anywhere from 2 feet in height to 4 feet in height. Another option is to have a double sided sign placed in the middle of the bridge with two different marketing messages. Images of the branding of this item can be seen in the Branding Category/Mini Golf Obstacles.