Mini Golf & Putt Putt Obstacle Rentals

The Authentic Mini Golf & Putt Putt Rental Experience

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Mini Golf Obstacle Rentals Philly image

Pyramid Obstacle

The Pyramid is a never before seen mini golf obstacle rental that is certain to bring amazement and awe to all those that choose this obstacle on their course. We have heard it often referred to as the Skittles Pyramid or the Jelly Belly Obstacle. With 333 golf balls made up of 7 different colors, it is a vibrant & attractive obstacle that is actually quite easy to putt through. The mouth or opening to the Pyramid is quite wide and the distance that the putt has to travel through to exit the Pyramid is slightly more than 18 inches. So as long as a putt is putted firmly, the golf ball will easily exit the Pyramid. What often occurs, is that party guests are so mesmerized by the colorful appearance that they do not concentrate on their putt and end up missing the mouth of the Pyramid. We do ask that party guests do not attempt to remove the golf balls as they are real and are not candy.